Climate and nature emergency: From scientists' warnings to sufficient action

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    Scientists' warnings of a climate and ecological emergency have been published recently. They have been criticized as being unattractive to non-scientists. Here, the criticisms are reviewed and comments presented. The path is long between primary research and the daily concerns of hard-to-reach people (for example, those who are impoverished). It is enough that expert scientists express their findings accurately and intelligibly to all who are receptive. Outside the ranks of the specialist experts there are many – intellectuals of all kinds, journalists, politicians, business people, and concerned citizens – who are well-placed to contribute to the generation of a worldwide groundswell of practical action. The full range of discourse on the ecological issues is divided into four registers, used in – primary research; dissemination of specialists’ thinking to non-specialists; discussion with those engaged in public affairs; discussion with those who face obstacles to becoming engaged with the issues.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)818-826
    Number of pages9
    JournalPublic Understanding of Science
    Issue number6
    Early online date30 May 2022
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2022


    • scientists warning
    • public understanding of science
    • nature emergency
    • climate emergency
    • ecological emergency
    • ecological crisis

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