Comment on "A comparison of 103-105 year uplift rates on the South Alkyonides fault, central Greece: Holocene climate stability and the formation of coastal notches" by J. F. Cooper, G. P. Roberts, and C. J. Underwood

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An understanding of fault kinematics in areas of active tectonic deformation requires detailed knowledge of local and regional ground-surface displacement vectors. Where faulting displaces coastlines, dated raised marine notches can provide reference markers to measure the magnitude, rate and timing of fault displacement [Pirazzoli, 2005]. This is particularly important in areas of multi-generational faulting and where uplift may include both local and regional scale components, features which characterise the actively extending Gulf of Corinth rift (Figure 1). Cooper et al. [2007] interpret the distribution and elevation of raised Holocene and marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 (∼125 ka) fossil shorelines from the Perachora peninsula in the Gulf of Corinth as due to spatially variable uplift along the fault footwall of a western segment to the Pisia fault which ruptured in 1981 [Jackson et al., 1982]. This comment draws attention to previously published studies of raised shorelines in the area and presents new field observations that help test the structural uplift models of Cooper et al. [2007] and Morewood and Roberts [1999].
Original languageEnglish
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2008

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