Constraints and possibilities: Lima Film Festival, politics and cultural formation in Peru

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The Festival de Cine de Lima (Lima Film Festival) launched in 1997 and, from humble beginnings, each year now introduces around 300 films to diverse audiences across the Peruvian capital and beyond. In 2014, for the first time in its history, 4 of the 19 films selected for the feature competition were made by Peruvian directors, signalling a growing recognition of national talent by programming panels and critics that had tended to look beyond national borders for inspiration and challenge. Despite the relative paucity of coordinated film production activity in Peru, it is argued here that the flourishing of Lima Film Festival provides evidence of a deep sense of film appreciation that conveys a commitment to all forms of cinema. This essay reflects critically on the local, national and international impact of this Festival, its influence on the development of film policy in Peru and explores its role as a ‘key building block of film culture’ across a complex national framework.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)132-148
Number of pages17
JournalNew Review of Film and Television Studies
Issue number1
Early online date12 Jan 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Lima
  • film festival
  • political violence
  • Shining Path
  • independent cinema

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