Consumer information technologies in intercultural tourism: a case study of Chinese outbound backpackers

Wenjie Cai, Brad McKenna

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Backpacker sociality is a networking sociality, which is created through intersecting movements between physical and virtual space (Castells, 2002). Interweaving with physical sociality, Chinese backpackers (CBs) are highly active on their virtual world. This study, focuses on connectedness of CBs and their daily social networks through Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). CBs with embedded Chinese values therefore tend to practice and perceive information services uniquely. This paper aims to explore the relationships among cultural values, information services perceptions and adoption, as well as how these service affect CBs perception of the value of technology. To achieve this aim, we investigate the use and acceptance of information technologies by Chinese outbound backpackers in Europe, by exploring their perceptions, practice and preferences of different types of ICT services in an intercultural context.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2016
Event4th Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference - Bodrum, Turkey
Duration: 24 May 201629 May 2016


Conference4th Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference

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