Introduction: Covid-19 and the conditions and struggles of agrarian classes of labour

Jonathan Pattenden, Liam Campling, Enrique Castañón Ballivián, Carla Gras, Jens Lerche, Bridget O'Laughlin, Carlos Oya, Helena Pérez-Niño, Shreya Sinha

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Covid-19 generated a crisis in capitalism, but not of capitalism. Capitalism reproduces itself in crisis and in ways that have significant but uneven impacts on the conditions and struggles of agrarian classes of labour. This article explores preliminary studies of how Covid-19 has affected agrarian social formations in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the farmers, petty commodity producers, labourers and agribusinesses who populate them. It considers some of the implications for wage-labour, agriculture, accumulation and social reproduction including care work. And it briefly considers Covid-19's political impacts—in terms of the role of the state and possibilities for challenging capitalism, its violence and its ecological crisis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)582-590
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Agrarian Change
Issue number3
Early online date17 Jun 2021
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2021


  • Covid-19
  • agribusiness
  • labour
  • small farmers

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