Delayed cord clamping in the compromised baby

Felicity Gruneberg, Kenda Crozier

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Compromised babies are routinely immediately separated from the umbilical cord in order to be resuscitated. The benefits of delayed cord clamping are numerous and apply as much, if not more, to the non-breathing baby, thus it is important to ask ‘does early cord clamping cause harm?’ The evidence suggests that early cord clamping can cause bradycardia in the baby and create the need for resuscitation. Invasive measures such as drugs and volume expanders are not required as frequently when delayed cord clamping is practised. Allowing the placenta to perform its role in the resuscitation means that oxygen supply continues, despite the failure to achieve effective respiration immediately. There appears to be no adverse psychological affects for the mother and birth partner if adequate midwifery support is provided. As midwives we must use the best available evidence to support our practice and improve outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)102-108
Number of pages7
JournalBritish Journal of Midwifery
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 3 Feb 2015


  • Delayed cord clamping
  • Compromised infant
  • Neonatal resuscitation
  • Placental transfusi
  • Neonatal transition

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