Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing

Toni Wright (Lead Author), Carolyn Jackson, Kim Manley, Anne Martin, Alison Leary

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


There is a lack of research on models for community healthcare providers to determine optimum caseloads. Here, members of the England Centre for Practice Development describe a data-collection tool to support workforce planning

A study by the England Centre for Practice Development proposes to develop and evaluate an optimum caseload model for district and community nursing, building on two rounds of funded pilot research in the south east of England using the Cassandra MatrixTM. It addresses national calls for a strategic capacity-and-demand model to measure and reflect the multidimensional complexity of the community nursing workload, maximising the potential of the workforce to meet the needs of clients with increasingly complex comorbidities and interdependencies. It also addresses the ambitions of the NHS Five Year Forward View to enable planned growth of the workforce for the future.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)32-33
JournalPrimary Health Care
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2015


  • caseload management
  • community nursing
  • care left undone
  • caseload modelling

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