Developing non-traditional firm-specific advantages in domestic strategic factor markets: Evidence from China

Feng Wan (Lead Author), Peter Williamson, Naresh Pandit

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Purpose: Chinese firms are winning market share from foreign multinational enterprises in domestic markets. The international business literature suggests that this is happening because these firms are developing non-traditional firm-specific advantages (FSAs). Strategic factor market (SFM) theory provides a good basis for explaining how this is happening. However, it is underdeveloped in terms of analysing unique resources and unique access to those resources by Chinese firms in their domestic markets. This paper aims to develop a framework to understand how Chinese firms have developed non-traditional FSAs.

Design/methodology/approach: The case study method is adopted to explore how Chinese firms develop non-traditional FSAs. Specifically, the authors compare paired case studies of a Chinese firm and a foreign multinational in each of two industries.

Findings: The authors find that Chinese firms have developed non-traditional FSAs because of more relevant experience, better adapted strategies and privileged relationships. This has enabled Chinese firms to develop non-traditional FSAs.

Originality/value: The authors propose a framework that conceptualises non-traditional FSA development in Chinese firms as a product of superior access to unique and valuable resources in their domestic SFMs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)367-385
Number of pages19
JournalMultinational Business Review
Issue number3
Early online date7 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2024

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