Development of the MiNDToolkit for management of cognitive and behavioural impairment in motor neurone disease

Ratko Radakovic, Helen Copsey, Carmel Moore, Eneida Mioshi

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Aim: To develop structured guidance, recommendations and techniques for non-pharmacological management of cognitive and behavioural impairments in motor neurone disease (MND), called the MiNDToolkit. Methods: A 4-round modified-Delphi method was utilised (online and face-to-face meeting), supplemented by recent research, recommendations, expertise from allied health-professionals (AHP) clinicians, researchers and clients. Results: Round-1 (N=47) identified AHPs techniques. Round-2 (N=23) and -3 (N=19) used expert consensus, refining general focus, specific elements and techniques. Round-4 (N=8) applied personal, lived and occupational experience, finalising the general structure and content of specific techniques. Conclusion: The MiNDToolkit is composed of multiple tools to structure decision-making through flowcharts, decision-trees and checklists, provide information about impairments, assessment recommendations and techniques or strategies for non-pharmacological management cognitive or behavioural impairments in MND.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-25
Number of pages11
JournalNeurodegenerative Disease Management
Issue number1
Early online date24 Jan 2020
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2020

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