Divergent heritages? UNESCO and the cultural heritage of landscapes in the UK and Japan

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With climate change, many cultural landscapes will be lost or permanently altered. One approach to managing this is through international designation, through UNESCO, and the focus that it provides. National designations such as National Park status also offer a set of strategies for managing and adapting. This paper explores landscape designations in Japan and the UK focusing on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is suggested that the UK’s dualistic governmental structures for landscapes prioritise some attributes over others. This is examined through the recent inscription of the Lake District as a World Heritage Property and counterpointed through looking at the recent Landscape Review also known as the Glover Report. A case study on a Japanese approach to landscape designation is explored to suggest alternative approaches. Both country’s relationship with international designation is discussed. Methodologies and theoretical approaches are examined with the conclusion that landscape change and loss are dealt with in Japan differently and arguably more effectively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)164-185
Number of pages22
JournalHistoric Environment: Policy & Practice
Issue number2
Early online date26 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Japan
  • Landscape
  • UK
  • UNESCO World Heritage List
  • climate change
  • cultural heritage

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