Dynamics of π∗-resonances in anionic clusters of para-toluquinone

James N. Bull, Jan R. R. Verlet

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Frequency-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy applied to mass-selected cluster anions is an insightful approach to characterise the dynamics of π∗-resonances with microsolvation. Here, the technique is demonstrated with monomer, dimer and trimer radical anions of para-toluquinone (pTQ) over a ∼1 eV excitation window above the detachment threshold. The pTQ- spectra show similar resonances and dynamics to para-benzoquinone, a prototype electrophore. The dimer, (pTQ)2 -, has a π-stacked geometry and shows a competition between photodissociation and prompt autodetachment. The trimer, (pTQ)3 -, also has a π-stacked cluster geometry and shows vibrational autodetachment from a non-valence state up to ∼0.7 eV above-threshold, outcompeting dissociation. At higher photoexcitation energies, (pTQ)3 - shows monomer-like dynamics, blue-shifted in photoexcitation energy by the cluster cohesion energy. Overall, the study highlights the variety of non-adiabatic dynamics available to π∗-resonances and the profound changes that occur through clusterization with one and two monomers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26589-26595
Number of pages7
JournalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Issue number39
Early online date18 Sep 2017
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2017

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