Eliminating ground-state dipole moments in quantum optics via canonical transformation

Gediminas Juzeliunas, Luciana C Davila Romero, David L Andrews

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By means of a canonical transformation it is shown how it is possible to recast the equations for molecular nonlinear optics to completely eliminate ground-state static dipole coupling terms. Such dipoles can certainly play a highly important role in nonlinear optical response�but equations derived by standard methods, in which these dipoles emerge only as special cases of transition moments, prove unnecessarily complex. It has been shown that the elimination of ground-state static dipoles in favor of dipole shifts results in a considerable simplification in form of the nonlinear optical susceptibilities. In a fully quantum theoretical treatment the validity of such a procedure has previously been verified using an expedient algorithm, whose defense was afforded only by a highly intricate proof. In this paper it is shown how a canonical transformation method entirely circumvents such an approach; it also affords insights into the formulation of quantum field interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number043811
JournalPhysical Review A (PRA)
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 9 Oct 2003

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