Energy efficiency governance in the EU-28: analysis of institutional, human, financial, and political dimensions

Guillermo Ivan Pereira, Patrícia Pereira da Silva

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The European Union in line with its climate and energy strategy has presented a renewed ambition for the post-2020 period, towards 2030, through the Clean Energy for All Europeans policy package proposals. A new binding target of minimum 30% for energy efficiency improvements is in the horizon, as well as the identified need for a stronger governance framework to support its delivery. This research contributes to a better understanding of energy efficiency governance by analysing a set of indicators covering aspects related to institutional, human, financial, and political dimensions. The results obtained provide a more detailed perspective on the European Union level and Member State governance capacities. These indicate the need to develop institutional capacities related to the transposition of legislation and directives. In parallel, the disparities between individual Member State governance capacities should be considered when devising and implementing future policies. The implications for policymakers include the need for a more robust governance monitoring and reporting system, including the development of transparent and comparable indicators, as well as a more comprehensive assessment of the impact of good governance on delivering energy efficiency improvements.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1279–1297
Number of pages18
JournalEnergy Efficiency
Early online date13 Apr 2017
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017

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