Evaluation of the Energise.me Health and Wellbeing Programme

Luke Daniells, Kevin Daniels

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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In the present report, we present the results of a feasibility study of the Energise.me programme, which comprises digital tools, group based activities and coaching aimed at improving health and wellbeing. The study involved interviews with 10 participants that had been through the programme during the pandemic.
The results indicate that the programme has the potential to bring about beneficial changes in health behaviours and other aspects of wellbeing. We suggest that the benefits of the programme are related to the perceived need for and usefulness of specific modules; participants’ motivation to engage with the programme; support and encouragement from the peer group; support and encouragement from the coach.
We consider that the main areas for developing the programme relate to: integrating techniques to enhance social interaction in group based exercises; integrating the coaching more fully with data gathered from exercises; and provision of post-programme coaching support.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021

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