Experimental study of the evanescent-wave photonic sensors response in presence of molecular beacon conformational changes

Ángela Ruiz-Tórtola, Francisco Prats-Quílez, Daniel Gónzalez-Lucas, María-José Bañuls, Ángel Maquieira, Guy Wheeler, Tamas Dalmay, Amadeu Griol, Juan Hurtado, Helge Bohlmann, Reiner Götzen, Jaime García-Rupérez

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An experimental study of the influence of the conformational change suffered by molecular beacon (MB) probes ‐upon the biorecognition of nucleic acid target oligonucleotides over evanescent wave photonic sensors‐ is reported. To this end, high sensitivity photonic sensors based on silicon photonic bandgap (PBG) structures were used, where the MB probes were immobilized via their 5’ termination. Those MBs incorporate a biotin moiety close to their 3’ termination in order to selectively bind a streptavidin molecule to them. The different photonic sensing responses obtained towards the target oligonucleotide detection, when the streptavidin molecule was bound to the MB probes or not, demonstrate the conformational change suffered by the MB upon hybridization, which promotes the displacement of the streptavidin molecule away from the surface of the photonic sensing structure. Schematic diagram of the PBG sensing structure on which the streptavidin‐labeled MB probes were immobilized.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere201800030
JournalJournal of Biophotonics
Issue number10
Early online date17 Apr 2018
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018

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