Exploring communication strategies to use with parents on childhood immunisation

Sarah A. Redsell, Helen Bedford, A. Niroshan Siriwardena, Jacqueline Collier, Philippa Atkinson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


While childhood immunisations are voluntary in the UK, healthcare staff strongly encourage uptake; this is endorsed by the Department of Health. While a few parents refuse immunisation outright, many more are uncertain about the risks and benefits. This uncertainty was exacerbated during the controversy over the mumps, measles and rubella vaccine. This prompted many studies exploring parents' views, which reported considerable criticism of the approach of healthcare professionals. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2009) published guidance on reducing differences in uptake. Six key areas were identified for improvement: immunisation programmes; information systems; training; the contribution of nurseries, schools and colleges; targeting groups at risk of not being fully immunised; and hepatitis B immunisation for babies. This article examines the literature on healthcare professionals' views about the universal childhood immunisation programme and information for parents. It also highlights issues around improving access and information delivery.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-22
Number of pages4
JournalNursing Times
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - May 2010

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