Food and environmental parasitology in Canada: A network for the facilitation of collaborative research

Brent R. Dixon, Momar Ndao, Jason A. Tetro, Rasha Maal-Bared, Sabah Bidawid, Jeffrey M. Farber, Judith Isaac-Renton, Muhammad Morshed, Natalie Prystajecky, Jane Pritchard, Waren Baticados, Bonnie Buntain, Sylvia Checkley, Susan Cork, Susan Kutz, Alessandro Massolo, James Wasmuth, Andre Buret, Brenda Ralston, Mike BelosevicNicholas Ashbolt, Tim McAllister, Peter Wallis, Batol Al-Adhami, Lorry Forbes, Alvin Gajadhar, Laura Lalonde, Vlad Lobanov, Brad Scandrett, Neil Chilton, Tasha Epp, Emily Jenkins, Sarah Parker, Michael Pietrock, Oluwayemisi Dare, Matthew Gilmour, Lai King Ng, Jeanine Boulter-Bitzer, Pia Muchaal, Katarina Pintar, Tom Edge, Michele Van Dyke, Corinne Ong, John Parkinson, Janet Yee, Makonnen Abebe, Asma Iqbal, Paul Sockett, Peter Buck, Nicolas Gilbert, Manisha Kulkarni, Erin Leonard, Richard Kibbee, Syed Sattar, Susan Springthorpe, Jean Robert Bisaillon, Burton Biais, Dele Ogunremi, Evelyne Kokoskin, Rebecca Guy, Louise Trudel, Karine Thivierge, Florence Dzierszinski, Armando Jardim, Theresa Gyorkos, Azza El Bakry, David Marcogliese, Christine Barthe, Isabelle Côté, Lena Measures, Manon Simard, Richard Cawthorn, Spencer Greenwood, Nicole Guselle, J. Trenton McClure

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Parasitic diseases are of considerable public health significance in Canada, particularly in rural and remote areas. Food- and water-borne parasites contribute significantly to the overall number of parasitic infections reported in Canada. While data on the incidence of some of these diseases are available, knowledge of the true burden of infection by the causative agents in Canadians is somewhat limited. A number of centers of expertise in Canada study various aspects of parasitology, but few formal societies or networks of parasitologists currently exist in Canada, and previously none focused specifically on food or environmental transmission. The recently established Food and Environmental Parasitology Network (FEPN) brings together Canadian researchers, regulators and public health officials with an active involvement in issues related to these increasingly important fields. The major objectives of the Network include identifying research gaps, facilitating discussion and collaborative research, developing standardized methods, generating data for risk assessments, policies, and guidelines, and providing expert advice and testing in support of outbreak investigations and surveillance studies. Issues considered by the FEPN include contaminated foods and infected food animals, potable and non-potable water, Northern and Aboriginal issues, zoonotic transmission, and epidemiology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)376-385
Number of pages10
JournalFood Protection Trends
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2014

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