Generating cis-aza-diaryl and triaryl ethers via organoBrønsted acid catalysed aza-Darzens chemistry

Sean P. Bew (Lead Author), Simon J. Coles, Mateusz B. Pitak, Wim T. Klooster, Polly-Anna Ashford, Victor Zdorichenko

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We report the efficient combination of SNAr and organic Brønsted acid catalysis protocols for the construction of cis-aziridine-derived biaryl and triaryl ethers. Using aza-Darzens chemistry mono-cis-aziridine-biaryl and bis-(cis-aziridine)-triaryl ethers have been generated; these motifs have significant potential as easily synthesised, functionalised precursors of a glycopeptide backbone.
Original languageEnglish
Article number130532
Issue number42
Early online date19 Aug 2019
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2019

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