Genetic Resources in a Multi-layered Institutional Cake: The Regulation of Access and Benefit-sharing in Belgium

John Pitseys, Brendan Coolsaet, Fulya Batur, Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Arianna Broggiato

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter analyses how original the Belgian context is – and especially the federal nature of the regime – for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. To what extent must the Belgian legal order and environmental policies be adapted in order to comply with the Protocol? What are the political and institutional challenges the ratification process will have to face? These questions are not only interesting per se: the Belgian case is interesting as it allows us to broach some of the governance issues federal states are likely to present when implementing environmental treaties. In addition, Belgium is a key user of genetic resources.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImplementing the Nagoya Protocol
Subtitle of host publicationComparing Access and Benefit-sharing Regimes in Europe
EditorsBrendan Coolsaet, Fulya Batur , Arianna Broggiato, John Pitseys, Tom Dedeurwaerdere
Number of pages23
ISBN (Electronic)9789004293212
ISBN (Print)9789004293205
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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