Harmonising environmental impact assessment processes for geological repositories for nuclear waste in the European Union

Alan Bond, Patrick O'Sullivan, Sally Russell

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A recent study, carried out for Directorate General for the Environment of the European Commission, investigated the scope and application of environmental impact assessment (EIA) legislation and current EIA practice in Member States (15) and applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe (10), specifically in relation to the geological disposal of radioactive waste. Legal provisions were assessed against the requirements of the European Union EIA Directives, along with the extent to which international ‘bestpractice’ has been adopted in each country. The study also derived an approach to EIA, capable of adoption in all 25 study countries, which would lead to consistency and bestjavascript:void(0); practice in the context of geological repositories.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)205-214
Number of pages10
JournalImpact Assessment and Project Appraisal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2001

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