Hindi translation of the Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire: A cross-cultural replication of sex differences

Philip J. Corr, Veena Kumari, Glenn D. Wilson

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The Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire (GWPQ) was translated into Hindi and administered to 246 male and 191 female university students. It measures six animal-learning paradigms corresponding to Gray's (1987) three-emotion systems model of personality. Sex differences previously reported from the United Kingdom and Japan were replicated: Women scored significantly higher on the Active Avoidance and Flight subscales, men on the Approach subscale. In the Indian sample, women scored higher than men on the Extinction subscale; this difference, although in the same direction, was not significant in the United Kingdom and Japan. In India, as in Japan and the United Kingdom, women were relatively punishment sensitive, and men were relatively reward sensitive. Consistent with Gray's model, scores on Fight and Flight subscales were positively correlated, as were Passive Avoidance and Extinction subscale scores; however, contrary to the model were the negative correlation between subscale scores for Approach and Active Avoidance and the positive correlation between subscale scores for Approach and Passive Avoidance, also observed previously in the United Kingdom and Japan.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)638-646
Number of pages9
JournalThe Journal of Social Psychology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 1997

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