How Far Does Economic Theory Explain Competitive Nonlinear Pricing in Practice?

Stephen Davies, Catherine Waddams, Chris M. Wilson

Research output: Working paper

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Liberalisation of the British electricity market, in which previously monopolised regional markets were exposed to large-scale entry, is used to test the propositions of several recent theoretical papers on oligopolistic nonlinear pricing. Consistent with those theories, each oligopolist offered a single two-part electricity tariff, and a lump sum discount to consumers who purchased both electricity and gas. However, inconsistent with those theories, firms’ two-part tariffs are heterogeneous in ways that cannot be attributed to cost. We establish a series of stylised facts about the nature of these asymmetries between firms and use them to confront established theory.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCentre for Competition Policy
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2009

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