Influence of atmospheric PM2.5, PM10, O3, CO, NO2, SO2, and meteorological factors on the concentration of airborne pollen in Guangzhou, China

Ananna Rahman, Chuanxiu Luo, Md Hafijur Rahaman Khan, Jinzhao Ke, Vidusanka Thilakanayaka, Sazal Kumar

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69 Citations (Scopus)


The existence of biological (pollen and spore)and non-biological (PM2.5, PM10, O3, CO, NO2, SO2, etc.)particles in the atmosphere is connected to the frequency of adverse allergenic reactions affecting human health. Considering all probable effects of atmospheric pollutants and airborne pollen on allergic reactions, the present study mainly examines the influence of non-biological pollutants and weather parameters on the concentration of airborne pollen in the Guangzhou city area by using Pearson's correlation, Spearman's rho test, and multiple linear regressions. Accordingly, we analyze the seasonal variation of non-biological pollutants, meteorological parameters, and airborne pollen during 2017 from two districts (Haizhu and Panyu)of Guangzhou, China. The airborne pollen data were collected using the volumetric method. Spring and autumn were the primary seasons for most of the pollen identification in this area. Pearson's correlation and Spearman's rho test revealed that pollen dispersion was significantly correlated with non-biological pollutants and meteorological parameters. Among them, PM2.5 and O3 were positively correlated with pollen concentration and NO2 was negatively correlated. A significant positive correlation was observed between temperature and wind speed with pollen concentration. Precipitation and relative humidity were negatively correlated with pollen concentration during the study period. In contrast, multiple linear regressions revealed a minor effect among these parameters on pollen concentration. However, the meteorological parameter shows more valid regression than the air pollutants. Some inconsistent results were discovered, which might be due to differences in climate, vegetation type, and rapid urbanization. Therefore, considering the long periods needed to collect data on pollen, further research is necessary to investigate the allergenic effects and health burden due to atmospheric pollutants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)290-304
Number of pages15
JournalAtmospheric Environment
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2019


  • Airborne pollen
  • Atmospheric pollutants
  • Guangzhou
  • Meteorological parameters
  • Statistical analysis

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