Interaction and signalling networks: a report from the fourth ‘Young Microbiologists Symposium on Microbe Signalling, Organisation and Pathogenesis’

Clare L. Kirkpatrick, Olivier Lesouhaitier, Jacob G. Malone, Shi-Qi An, Delphine L. Caly

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At the end of June, over 120 microbiologists from 18 countries gathered in Dundee, Scotland for the fourth edition of the Young Microbiologists Symposium on ‘Microbe Signalling, Organisation and Pathogenesis’. The aim of the symposium was to give early career microbiologists the opportunity to present their work in a convivial environment and to interact with senior world-renowned scientists in exciting fields of microbiology research. The meeting was supported by the Microbiology Society, the Society of Applied Microbiology and the American Society for Microbiology with further sponsorship from the European Molecular Biology Organisation and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In this report, we highlight some themes that emerged from the many interesting talks and poster presentations, as well as some of the other activities that were on offer at this energetic meeting.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4-8
Number of pages5
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2017


  • microbe–microbe interactions
  • secretion
  • host–pathogen interactions
  • gene regulation
  • signalling

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