Internet-based interventions for problem drinkers: From efficacy trials to implementation

John A Cunningham, Zarnie Khadjesari, Bridgette M Bewick, Heleen Riper

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Citations (Scopus)


AIMS: Internet-based interventions (IBIs) for problem drinkers have been in existence for over a decade. In that time, IBIs have increased in sophistication and there is the beginning of a solid research base suggesting their efficacy. A growing number of problem drinkers are using IBIs and attempts have been made to explore how IBIs can be integrated within primary care and other health-care settings. This symposium provided an overview of IBIs for problem drinkers and highlighted some of the important issues in their development and implementation. 

RATIONALE: IBIs appear to be at a 'cusp' as technology and intervention practices are merged together in an attempt to provide better health care for problem drinkers. The timing of the 2009 International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems Conference was ideal for a presentation and discussion of the role that IBIs play now that IBIs have started to shift into the mainstream of services for problem drinkers. 

SUMMARY: The presentations in this symposium covered the 'bench to bedside' aspects of the development and evaluation of IBIs. They included a systematic review of the research to-date in this field, a report on the results from a just completed randomised controlled trial, a report on an effectiveness trial of implementing IBIs in multiple university settings and a consideration of the cost-effectiveness of IBIs.[Cunningham JA, Khadjesari Z, Bewick BM, Riper H. Internet-based interventions for problem drinkers: From efficacy trials to implementation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)617-622
Number of pages6
JournalDrug and Alcohol Review
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010


  • Alcohol
  • Internet
  • Brief intervention
  • Normative feedback
  • Randomised controlled trial

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