(In)visible networks in action: Four perspectives

Vander Viana, Olívia Fialho, Paul Sopcák, Mariya Sergeyeva, Anna Rumbesht

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter explains the networks within the Research and Development in Empirical Studies (REDES) Project, a multi-cultural enterprise composed of researchers from four different countries, which aims at promoting empirical studies of culture at an international level. This chapter traces the history of the project and how it became reality in the four current branches in Brazil, Germany, Ukraine and Canada. Each local branch is described in detail and the distinguishing features are highlighted. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in relation both to what has been accomplished in the five years of the project's existence and to the problems still ahead.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationActing and connecting
Subtitle of host publicationCultural approaches to language and literature
EditorsSonia Zyngier, Anna Chesnokova, Vander Viana
Place of PublicationMünster
PublisherLIT Verlag
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • Research and Development in Empirical Studies (REDES)
  • Research group
  • Empirical studies
  • Knowledge management
  • Group work

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