Karl Marx: Evening Hour: Poems

Philip Wilson (Translator)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Karl Marx is not known as a poet, although as a young law student he had dreamed of following a literary career and worked on poems, a novel and a play, before deciding that his future lay elsewhere. Marx’s major philosophical works include The Communist Manifesto, The German Ideology (both co-authored with Friedrich Engels) and Capital.

Some 120 of his poems from the years 1836-7 survive; the poems in this chapbook range from those on the themes and in the style fashionable at that time, love poems to his future wife and satirical verse. Together they offer, along with Philip Wilson’s illuminating introduction, a fascinating glimpse into the mind and times of one of history’s great thinkers.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTodmorden
Number of pages40
ISBN (Print)9781911469094
Publication statusPublished - May 2022

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