‘Living with aphasia the best way I can': A feasibility study exploring solution-focused brief therapy for people with aphasia

Sarah Northcott, Kidge Burns, Alan Simpson, Katerina Hilari

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34 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: Post-stroke aphasia can profoundly affect a person's social and emotional well-being. This study explored the feasibility of solution-focused brief therapy as an accessible intervention and investigated its impact on participants' psychosocial well-being. Participants and Methods: This is a small-scale repeated-measures feasibility study. Participants received between 3 and 5 therapy sessions. They were assessed on psychosocial outcome measures before and after therapy and took part in post-therapy in-depth qualitative interviews. Three men and 2 women with chronic aphasia took part (age range: 40s-70s). Results: Participants found the therapy acceptable, and it was possible to adapt the approach so as to be communicatively accessible. Quantitative assessments showed encouraging trends in improved mood [pre-therapy General Health Questionnaire 12-item version (GHQ-12): mean (SD): 4.80 (4.60), median: 6; post-therapy GHQ-12: mean (SD): 2.00 (2.55), median: 1] and improved communicative participation [pre-therapy Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB): mean (SD): 7.80 (5.76), median: 7; post-therapy CPIB: mean (SD): 12.20 (4.44), median: 14]. Measures of social network and connectedness, however, remained stable. Themes emerging from the qualitative analysis included changes to mood, communicative participation, mobility, and everyday activities. Conclusions: This small-scale study suggests that solution-focused brief therapy is a promising approach to helping people with aphasia build positive change in their lives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)156-167
Number of pages12
JournalFolia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
Issue number3
Early online date21 Jan 2016
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2016

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