Kamran Qureshi directed and produced 'Maa Aur Mamta' (Motherhood) is a collection of thirteen TV film stories based on the precious relationship of mother and child. The series was written by Zafar Meraj and broadcasted on Indus TV and Zee TV Networks in different countries including the US. Also, available on DVDs. The series won the Best TV Director Series, Best TV Series, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best TV Writer Awards and several nominations in the 1st Indus Drama Awards, 2005.
Translated title of the contribution | Motherhood |
Original language | Other |
Publisher | Indus TV Network |
Media of output | Film |
Publication status | Published - 8 Feb 2004 |
Event | 1st Indus Drama Awards - PAF Museum, Karachi, Pakistan Duration: 1 Oct 2005 → … https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4519118/ |
- Mothers
- Motherhood
- Television
- Fim series
- Drama
- Mother-Child Relations