Making the Literary-Geographical World of Sherlock Holmes: The Game is Afoot

Research output: Book/ReportBook


In the second half of the twentieth century, American readers of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories - known as Sherlockians - worked together to create a 'world of Sherlock Holmes' that crossed the boundary between reality and fiction. This book applies an innovative literary-geographical lens, informed both by geographical theories of spatiality as a process and literary scholarship on readers' active roles in making stories happen, to define the contours of a world in which the ontological boundaries ordinarily assumed between the actual and the fictional bend, blur and break.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCardiff
PublisherUniversity of Wales Press
Number of pages191
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-83772-166-5
ISBN (Print)978-1-83772-165-8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2024

Publication series

NameLiterary Geography: Theory and Practice
PublisherUniversity of Wales Press

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