Measurement of NMR relaxation times using the minimum number of scans

G. Johnson, I. E. Ormerod, P. S. Tofts, D. Barnes, E. P. du Boulay

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1 Citation (Scopus)


NMR relaxation time measurements derived from a set of three multi-slice sequences (which can examine the whole brain in 30 min) have been investigated. T1 and T2 values are 5% and 20% too short, respectively. Noise in the measurements was less than 2%. Temporal instability was negligible. Spatial non-uniformity was 1% (T1) and 3% (T2) within a single slice but 4% (T1) and 14% (T2) from slice to slice. Variations in cerebral tissue measurements have also been investigated: T1 varies by 6% and T2 by 12% over a population of normal controls. There can be significant patient-patient and topographical variations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)496-499
Number of pages4
JournalActa Radiologica Supplementum
Publication statusPublished - 1986

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