Medical students' perceptions of peer feedback on an anatomy student-selected study module

Isaac D. Gukas, Susan Miles, David J. Heylings, Sam J. Leinster

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Objective: The study aimed to determine student views of peer feedback on their student-selected study (SSS) module.

Methods: A questionnaire was developed to study perceptions of three groups of medical students (N = 42) towards feedback received from peers about their anatomy SSS presentation.

Results: Most students felt comfortable receiving and giving feedback. They also felt that received feedback was fair, adequate and helpful, and that receiving feedback made them reflect. Slightly more students reported inadequate feedback from their peers about the presentations’ content, compared to other aspects, due to their peers’ relative lack of knowledge about their ‘specialized’ subject. Students would be reluctant to give feedback if anonymity was removed.

Conclusion: The attitudes of medical students towards peer feedback were largely positive. We advocate further studies to evaluate quality of feedback, and the role of anonymity in peer feedback, and its effect on group dynamics and cohesion.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)812-814
Number of pages3
JournalMedical Teacher
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2008

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