Mindfulness as a way of addressing the deficits in clinical psychology training programmes: A review

Pooja Hemanth, Paul Fisher

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Research suggests that there is a lack of focus on developing trainees’ intrapersonal skills or adequately fostering self-care. Mindfulness training may help address the gaps in training programmes. Quantitative and qualitative studies involving mindfulness training for postgraduate trainees were reviewed. There is a need to explore different designs of mindfulness training groups to ascertain what would be feasible and effective, given the trainees’ existing time constraints. Furthermore, the current understanding is limited due to the difficulties defining and operationalisingmindfulness. Qualitative research would help to explore
what mindfulness training means to trainees and how it impacts on their lives.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere5
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Tropical Psychology
Early online date10 Jun 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • mindfulness
  • clinical psychology training
  • trainees
  • self-care
  • professional development

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