Neural correlates of post-retrieval monitoring in older adults are preserved under divided attention, but are decoupled from memory performance

Erin D. Horne, Marianne de Chastelaine, Michael D. Rugg

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Post-retrieval monitoring is associated with engagement of anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Recent fMRI studies reported age-invariant monitoring effects in these regions and an age-invariant correlation between these effects and memory performance. The present study examined monitoring effects during associative recognition (difference in activity elicited by ‘rearranged’ and ‘intact’ test pairs) under single and dual (tone detection) task conditions in young and older adults (Ns = 28 per group). It was predicted that, for the older adults only, dual tasking would attenuate memory performance and monitoring effects and weaken their correlation. Consistent with this prediction, in the older group imposition of the secondary task led to lower memory performance and elimination of the relationship between monitoring effects and performance. However, the size of the effects did not differ between single and dual task conditions. The findings suggest that the decline in older adults’ memory performance in the dual task condition resulted not from impaired monitoring, but from a different cause that also weakened the dependence of performance on monitoring.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-119
Number of pages14
JournalNeurobiology of Aging
Early online date17 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021

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