On a universal model for the prediction of the daily global solar radiation

Socrates Kaplanis, Jatin Kumar, Eleni Kaplani

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    A model to predict the mean expected daily global solar radiation, H(n) on a day n, at a site with latitude φ is proposed. The model is based on two cosine functions. A regression analysis taking into account the mean measured values Hm.meas(n) obtained from SoDa database for 42 sites in the Northern Hemisphere resulted in a set of mathematical expressions of split form to predict H(n). The parameters of the two cosine model for 0o<φ<23o are obtained by regression analysis using a sum of 3-8 Gaussian functions, while for 23o<φ<71o the two cosine model parameters are expressed by a sum of exponential functions or the product of an exponential and a cosine function. The main equation of the model and the set of parametric expressions provide H(n) for any φ on Earth. Validation results of this model are provided along with the statistical estimators NMBE, NRMSE and t-statistic in comparison to the corresponding values from three databases of NASA, SoDa and the measured values from ground stations provided in Meteonorm.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)178-188
    Number of pages11
    JournalRenewable Energy
    Early online date26 Jan 2016
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016


    • daily solar radiation
    • universal model
    • prediction

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