Otolith shape and size: The importance of age when determining indices for fish-stock separation

James Mapp, Ewan Hunter, Jeroen van der Kooij, Sally Songer, Mark Fisher

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Stock-separation of highly mobile Clupeids (sprat – Sprattus sprattus and herring – Clupea harengus) using otolith morphometrics was explored. Analysis focused on three stock discrimination problems with the aim of reassigning individual otoliths to source populations using experiments undertaken using a machine learning environment known as \{WEKA\} (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis). Six feature sets encoding combinations of size and shape together with nine learning algorithms were explored. To assess saliency of size/shape features half of the feature sets included size indices, the remainder encoded only shape. Otolith sample sets were partitioned by age so that the impact of age on classification accuracy could be assessed for each method. In total we performed 540 experiments, representing a comprehensive evaluation of otolith morphometrics and learning algorithms. Results show that for juveniles, methods encoding only shape performed well, but those that included size indices held more classification potential. However as fish age, shape encoding methods were more robust than those including size information. This study suggests that methods of stock discrimination based on early incremental growth are likely to be effective, and that automated classification techniques will show little benefit in supplementing early growth information with shape indices derived from mature outlines.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-52
Number of pages10
JournalFisheries Research
Early online date11 Feb 2017
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017


  • Fourier descriptors
  • Curvature Scale Space
  • Otolith shape
  • Otolith size
  • Stock discrimination

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