Paediatric psychology network United Kingdom (PPN-UK): From inception to the current day

Judith Young, Sara O'Curry, Kiki Mastroyannopoulou, Martha Deiros Collado, Jonathan Gibbons, Janie Donnan, Victoria Gray, Helen Griffiths

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This topical review aims to provide an overview of how a pediatric psychology network has affected pediatric psychology in the United Kingdom over the past 2 decades. Past and present Paediatric Psychology Network United Kingdom (PPN-UK) committee members reviewed documentation related to the work of the PPN-UK. From early beginnings to the current day, an outline is provided of how a professional network for psychologists working in pediatrics developed in the U.K. With a strategic aim to promote the development of pediatric psychology practice, descriptions are given of how the PPN-UK achieves this through the provision and support of continuing professional development and membership of pediatric psychology special interest groups. For this global special issue, an explanation of the U.K. training route for clinical psychologists is also outlined. Being child and family centered, the PPN-UK promotes the psychological and emotional well-being of children with physical health needs. Examples are provided of how the PPN-UK has influenced pediatric psychology service provision, policy, and practice to promote integrated health care for children and young people by sharing pediatric psychology knowledge and the evidence base. Finally, consideration is given to how the PPN-UK is going beyond national strategic influence to develop international links. The PPN-UK is an established network that has made significant contributions to the profession for the ultimate benefit of children, young people, and their families.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-340
Number of pages10
JournalClinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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