Patient preferences for the delivery of cardiac rehabilitation

Mary Boyde, Jenny Rankin, Jennifer A. Whitty, Robyn Peters, Julie Holliday, Charmaine Baker, Rita Hwang, Donna Lynagh, Dariusz Korczyk

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Objective: To elicit patients' preferences for cardiac rehabilitation(CR).

Methods: A Discrete Choice Experiment was used to quantify patients' preferences for the delivery of CR. This survey-based method elicited the relative importance of different characteristics of a program.

Results: 200 in-patients eligible to attend CR completed the survey. Over half of the patients strongly preferred a centre-based compared to a home-based program. Many but not all preferred a program starting within two rather than six weeks of discharge and exercise delivered in a group rather than individual setting, with exercise via the internet using telehealth strongly disliked. Some respondents preferred lifestyle information delivered one-to-one by a health professional, and there was an overall preference against delivery by smart phone Apps. Some preferred a program out of rather than within working hours and a shorter program (four weeks compared to eight weeks).

Conclusions: This study provides further insight into patient preferences for a CR program. Although the strongest preferences were for centre-based programs with healthcare professionals facilitating exercise classes and one-on-one education, it is important to offer flexible delivery as one approach will not suit everyone.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2162-2169
Number of pages8
JournalPatient Education and Counseling
Issue number12
Early online date11 Jul 2018
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018


  • cardiac rehabilitation
  • patient preferences
  • discrete choice experiment

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