Perspective on regional sea-level change and coastal impacts

Kathleen L. McInnes, Robert J. Nicholls, Roderik van de Wal, David Behar, Ivan D. Haigh, Benjamin D. Hamlington, Jochen Hinkel, Daniella Hirschfeld, Benjamin P. Horton, Angelique Melet, Matthew D. Palmer, Alexander A. Robel, Detlef Stammer, Abby Sullivan

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We synthesize sea-level science developments, priorities and practitioner needs at the end of the 10-year World Climate Research Program Grand Challenge ’Regional Sea-Level Change and Coastal Impacts’. Sea-level science and associated climate services have progressed but are unevenly distributed. There remains deep uncertainty concerning high-end and long-term sea-level projections due to indeterminate emissions, the ice sheet response and other climate tipping points. These are priorities for sea-level science. At the same time practitioners need climate services that provide localized information including median and curated high-end sea-level projections for long-term planning, together with information to address near-term pressures, including extreme sea level-related hazards and land subsidence, which can greatly exceed current rates of climate-induced sea-level rise in some populous coastal settlements. To maximise the impact of scientific knowledge, ongoing co-production between science and practitioner communities is essential. Here we report on recent progress and ways forward for the next decade.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere16
JournalCambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures
Early online date12 Dec 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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