Pluriverso de Paz en Tolima: Sistematizacion de una investigacion-accion-transformadora

Translated title of the contribution: Pluriverse of Peace in Tolima: Systematization of a transformative-accion-research

Iokine Rodriguez Fernandez (Editor), Cristina Sala Valdes (Editor), Nohora Barros (Editor), John Jairo Uribe (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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War and peace have been extensively researched in Colombia for decades. However, despite the wide range of research topics on the armed conflict and peacebuilding in Colombia, little is said about the role that research can have as an engine of change in this transition from war to peace, when it is done with the actors who have been part of the dynamics of the conflict. This book offers this perspective. We draw on the experience of the project "School, Territory and Post-conflict: building a culture of local peace in the South of Tolima, Colombia", in which we worked with community organizations of the South of Tolima in the study of their experiences building peace in the midst of conflict. This was a participatory-action-research project developed between September 2018 and June 2021 as part of a joint call carried out in 2017 between UKRI (Newton Fund) of the United Kingdom and the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation (MinCiencias) of Colombia for collaborative, transformative and competitive research projects of high quality and at an international level, that could help consolidate the construction of peace in Colombia.
Translated title of the contributionPluriverse of Peace in Tolima: Systematization of a transformative-accion-research
Original languageSpanish (Peru)
Place of PublicationNorwich, UK
PublisherSchool of International Development, UEA, Norwich
Number of pages175
EditionFirst edition
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-8384049-8-7
Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2021

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