Predicting institutional violence in offenders with intellectual disabilities: The predictive efficacy of the VRAG and the HCR-20

Suzanne Fitzgerald, Nicola S. Gray, Regi T. Alexander, Ruth Bagshaw, Paul Chesterman, Phillip Huckle, Susan K. Jones, John Taylor, Tegwyn Williams, Robert J. Snowden

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26 Citations (Scopus)


Background: There is a developing evidence base to support the use of risk assessment instruments in offenders with intellectual disability (ID). The aim of this study was to try to develop this literature with the inclusion of a control group of mentally disordered offenders without an ID, using the HCR-20 and VRAG.

Materials and Methods: The VRAG and the HCR-20 were completed for a group of offenders with an ID (n = 25) and a control group (n = 45), in four medium-secure units across the UK. The outcome measure was physical aggression measured over 6 months.

Results: Both instruments consistently produced large effect sizes predicting any physical aggression and severe physical aggression. The structured clinical judgement based on the HCR-20 was especially good.

Conclusions: The HCR-20 and the VRAG have excellent predictive efficacy in offenders with an ID. A structured clinical judgement based on the HCR-20 was especially predictive.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)384-393
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sep 2013


  • actuarial measures
  • intellectual disabilities
  • risk assessment
  • structured clinical judgement

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