Protecting space for the arts in ITE

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


As the recent RAPS research report highlights, art and design teaching are ‘patchily served’ in primary initial teacher education, with insufficient time allowed within the government-mandated ITE framework and uneven arts-rich practice in school placements cited as key barriers. What can we do to empower and inspire primary trainees as they begin their careers as visual arts teachers?

Teresa Smith, Lecturer in Education and leader of the Primary Art and Design programme at the University of East Anglia, shares experiences of an immersive week-long cultural placement specialism for primary trainee teachers, co-constructed and delivered with the National Gallery, London, and Norfolk Museums Service, as an example of transformative ITE ‘cultural brokerage’.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationAD magazine
PublisherNational Society for Education in Art and Design
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2024

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