Public health interventions for Aedes control in the time of Zikavirus- A metareview on effectiveness of vector control strategies

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Background: There is renewed interest in effective control measures to control Zika and dengue vectors. A synthesis of published systematic reviews with a focus on grading of intervention evidence is warranted to determine the reliability of evidence for control strategies.

Methodology: We conducted a meta-review (a systematic review of systematic reviews) assessing the effectiveness of any Aedes control measure. We searched Scopus and Medline for relevant reviews through to 11 May 2016. Titles, abstracts and full texts were assessed independently for inclusion by two authors. Data extraction was performed independently in duplicate using a standardised form and validity of the evidence in each review was assessed using GRADE criteria.

Findings: 13 eligible systematic reviews that investigated the effect of community interventions on entomological parameters (such as vector density) or disease incidence were included. Quality of evidence was mostly low to very low due to poor reporting of study design, observational methodologies, heterogeneity, and indirect outcomes, hindering an evidence-based recommendation. Biological controls seem to achieve better reduction of entomological indices than chemical controls, while educational campaigns can reduce breeding habitats and interrupt disease transmission cycle. Integrated control strategies may not add efficiency to educational campaigns.

Conclusions: Despite decades of Aedes mosquito abatement programmes, mosquito populations are widely established and abundant, and associated with a significant disease burden. The efficiency of any control programme is dependent on local settings and resources. More good quality primary studies for the control of Aedes transmitted diseases are still required.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0005176
JournalPLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2016

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