Quick change: post-transcriptional regulation in Pseudomonas

Lucia Grenga, Richard H Little, Jacob G Malone

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Pseudomonas species have evolved dynamic and intricate regulatory networks to fine-tune gene expression, with complex regulation occurring at every stage in the processing of genetic information. This approach enables Pseudomonas to generate precise individual responses to the environment in order to improve their fitness and resource economy. The weak correlations we observe between RNA and protein abundance highlight the significant regulatory contribution of a series of intersecting post-transcriptional pathways, influencing mRNA stability, translational activity and ribosome function, to Pseudomonas environmental responses. This review examines our current understanding of three major post-transcriptional regulatory systems in Pseudomonas spp.; Gac/Rsm, Hfq and RimK, and presents an overview of new research frontiers, emerging genome-wide methodologies, and their potential for the study of global regulatory responses in Pseudomonas.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberfnx125
JournalFEMS Microbiology Letters
Issue number14
Early online date12 Jun 2017
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2017


  • translational control
  • Pseudomonas
  • post-transcriptional regulation
  • regulatory responses
  • signalling pathway
  • ribosomal modification

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