Rapid Procedural Modelling of Architectural Structures

P. J. Birch, S. P. Browne, V. J. Jennings, A. M. Day, D. B. Arnold

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

29 Citations (Scopus)


This paper describes a range of procedural techniques being developed to allow historic building styles to be modelled in a rapid manner, suitable for extremely fast rendering. We are expecting these tools to be used to model large-scale urban virtual-environments, from ancient Rome to modern day Hong Kong.When creating large scenes, there are two particular problems that we need to address and overcome. Firstly, the need to model scenes efficiently leads to a sense of repetition of the models as a small number of individual models is used repeatedly. We believe that it is now feasible to avoid the sense of repetition by using models drawn from a large library of prototypes according to some well-defined tools. By using procedural modelling we hope to speed up the model-building process while providing a number of other benefits.The other problem with large scenes comes with rendering them at an acceptable frame rate. By incorporating our modellers with the scenegraph being used to render them, a series of techniques and attributes may be applied to the models to cull out geometry not visible to the viewer, and to provide smoother transitions between varying levels of detail, avoiding artefacts such as geometry popping.As well as describing how the approach can be used in particular applications we describe the architecture and implementation of the modelling tools. Finally we show how the approach can be extended to other architectural styles and the working environment customised.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2001
Event2001 conference on Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage (VAST2001) - Glyfada, Greece
Duration: 28 Nov 200130 Nov 2001


Conference2001 conference on Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage (VAST2001)

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