Religion a widget of culture in African societies

Abdulmalik Abdulrahman Abdulmalik, Ahmad Abdullahi Musa

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Culture is a total way of life of every one in a society. Every human in a society is under a certain set of rules, regulations, behaviors, mindset and even materials for a way of living. The concept of culture is a debatable discussion among many scholars, but every society and scholars agreed on the existence of culture. Thus, culture is a universal phenomenon found everywhere, but in a different format, this culture changes over time and the causes of it's changes usually account for the external factors by an individual or group of people under the same culture. This paper seeks to highlight religion as a key factor controlling culture and influencing other parts of culture in a given society. The paper gives an empirical analysis of various aspects of culture being influenced by religion from different parts of Africa, with much attention from Nigeria as region. The paper concludes with an overview that culture is influenced by many factors, but religion is a principal factor and served as the widget of culture in African societies. Keywords: Culture, Religion, African Societies, Widget and Influence.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-62
Number of pages10
JournalAfrican Scholar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2021


  • Religion
  • West Africa
  • Culture
  • Archaeology
  • Anthropology
  • Social Sciences
  • Societies
  • Africa

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