Renewable energy and innovation in Saudi Arabia: An exploration of factors affecting consumers' intention to adopt Solar PV

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Achieving ‘net-zero’ has become a major concern for governments worldwide. For this momentous transition to be realised, individual citizens must be motivated to adopt ‘cleaner’ innovative technologies to reduce their carbon footprint. Against this backdrop, our study investigates factors that may encourage or inhibit the intention to adopt renewable energy (specifically Solar photovoltaics (PV)) among home-owning Saudi consumers. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour, we examine the relationship between demographic variables and consumers' attitudes toward renewable energy (RE) and their intention to adopt new RE technology. Our findings reveal that a lack of consumer knowledge about RE is the major obstacle to Solar PV adoption among Saudi consumers. Moreover, consumers' environmental beliefs may not lead directly to an intention to adopt RE, even though it is associated with favourable attitudes toward the technology. Finally, social influence may be crucial when promoting RE adoption among Saudi consumers. These are essential considerations for policymakers to note and act on when constructing energy policy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number123430
JournalTechnological Forecasting and Social Change
Early online date13 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Consumer behaviour
  • Demographic variables
  • Intention to adopt RE
  • Renewable energy
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Theory of planned behaviour

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