This 26-part TV drama series, Riyasat was directed by Kamran Qureshi and written by Asghar Nadeem Syed on a true story, raised sensitive issues like childhood marriage engagements, exchange marriages, human trafficking, drugs and gold smuggling, class differences, old traditional and regional customs. Riyasat won Best TV Series, Best Actress, Best Actor and was nominated for Best Director Award in Lux Style Awards 2006. The series was broadcast on ARY Digital TV Network in the US, UK, UAE and Pakistan and is available on DVDs.
Translated title of the contribution | Kingdom of Hearts |
Original language | Other |
Publisher | ARY Digital Television Network |
Media of output | DVD |
Publication status | Published - 18 Dec 2005 |
- childhood marriage engagements
- exchange marriages
- human trafficking
- drugs smuggling