Self-harm in adolescence

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Self-harm is a common yet frequently concealed activity among adolescents. GP trainees are likely to encounter young people who self-harm, not only in primary care, but also during placements in Accident and Emergency or general medicine. The type of self-harm seen in each situation is likely to vary and the approach to it may need to change accordingly. However, some themes remain constant and as self-harm is a prevalent phenomenon among adolescents, it is an area with which GPs should be familiar.
This article is intended to provide an overview of the subject of self-harm among adolescents, so that GPs in training are better equipped to detect and manage cases which they encounter. It focuses on self-harming behaviours such as cutting and also considers the assessment process (including suicide risk) in some depth. While it discusses a few areas of treatment, it is not intended as a guide to specific management of the various forms of self-harm
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)750-758
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2008

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