Setting nutrient thresholds to support an ecological assessment based on nutrient enrichment, potential primary production and undesirable disturbance

Michelle Devlin, Suzanne Painting, Mike Best

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50 Citations (Scopus)


The EU Water Framework Directive recognises that ecological status is supported by the prevailing physico-chemical conditions in each water body. This paper describes an approach to providing guidance on setting thresholds for nutrients taking account of the biological response to nutrient enrichment evident in different types of water. Indices of pressure, state and impact are used to achieve a robust nutrient (nitrogen) threshold by considering each individual index relative to a defined standard, scale or threshold.

These indices include winter nitrogen concentrations relative to a predetermined reference value; the potential of the waterbody to support phytoplankton growth (estimated as primary production); and detection of an undesirable disturbance (measured as dissolved oxygen). Proposed reference values are based on a combination of historical records, offshore (limited human influence) nutrient concentrations, literature values and modelled data. Statistical confidence is based on a number of attributes, including distance of confidence limits away from a reference threshold and how well the model is populated with real data.

This evidence based approach ensures that nutrient thresholds are based on knowledge of real and measurable biological responses in transitional and coastal waters.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-73
Number of pages9
JournalMarine Pollution Bulletin
Issue number1-6
Early online date11 Oct 2006
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • Nutrients
  • Primary productivity
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Classification

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